Renewing faith throug gaza of the lesson h

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The recent violence and tragedy in Gaza has deeply affected me and has prompted me to recommit myself to my Islamic faith. When I saw the footage of innocent men, women and children being killed and injured, and mosques and homes being destroyed, I was filled with sadness and anger. But I also remember the true peaceful nature of Islam and its call for justice and protection of the oppressed. This tragedy made me realize that I needed to strengthen my relationship with God and live more fully in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Gaza wasn’t the only thing God showed me to choose as my worship. It was also a conversation I had with one of my sisters a few weeks ago. I talked to her about how unhappy I was with her living conditions and how she needed to take steps to improve them. Hours after that conversation, a light went on in my head: “Allah has given you everything you need to choose your worship!” From that day on, I focused more on my prayers, spent more time reading the Quran, and began to arrange things in my life to help me worship Him better. I haven't felt this happy in over 10 years. And worshiping God is like that. In Islam, God teaches us about Himself. He is truly the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. Because of what is happening to the people of Gaza, more and more non-Muslims are reading the Quran and becoming Muslims in record numbers. Many people are finding solace and purpose in following the will of God. There is a verse in the Quran that says: “The heart finds rest in the remembrance of Allah.” This is what happened to me and is happening to people all over the world because Allah allowed what is happening to my brothers and sisters in Gaza to happen. We ask Allah to grant them patience, piety, tranquility and relief. 

Tragedies like the one in Gaza make some people wonder how a just God could allow such terrible things to happen. But know that God is All-Knowing. It is a challenge to the people of Gaza and to all who witness it. God is testing our faith or lack of faith so that we can turn to Him in sincerity. We may not always understand the wisdom behind what is happening, but we must continue to strive to follow the path of righteousness. The events in Gaza have given me a renewed sense of gratitude for the peace and security I have in my life. I remember that I never take God's grace for granted. Everything can be taken away in an instant so I must cherish every moment. When I learned how I trust me more than God, I pray often, make a generous charity and renew the commitment to Islam every day, I became a better Muslim.
The deep tragedy in Gaza brought me back to my faith and brought me back to live a more important spiritual life. From grief and loss to growth and purpose. My heart still aches for the lives lost and the suffering they endured. But I am also full of faith that justice will ultimately prevail for the Palestinian people by God’s divine wisdom. The future is unknown but I have complete faith in God and the guidance He provides for Islam.

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