What should striking workers at Samsung's flagship factory in Chennai do if they believe the "workmen's committee" does not represent their interests?

 If striking workers at Samsung's flagship factory in Chennai believe that the "workmen's committee" does not adequately represent their interests, they could consider the following steps:

1. Form an Independent Union: Workers can explore the option of forming an independent labor union or association that more effectively represents their grievances. This can provide them with a collective bargaining platform that is distinct from the current committee.

2. Demand Re-election of the Committee: If the existing workmen's committee is not representative, workers could push for a re-election process to ensure new representatives who better align with their demands and concerns are chosen.

3. Seek External Support: Workers can reach out to external labor unions, legal advisors, or worker rights organizations to gain support and advice on their situation. These groups may offer legal representation or help mobilize wider support for the strike.

4. Open Communication with Management: If the committee is not representing their interests effectively, the workers can appoint informal leaders among themselves to directly engage with management. They can present their demands and attempt to negotiate directly with company representatives.

5. Utilize Media and Publicity: Workers could reach out to the media or use social media platforms to bring attention to their grievances. Public pressure and awareness can often lead to better negotiation leverage.

6. File a Legal Complaint: If they believe that the workmen's committee is acting against their interests in a legally questionable way, workers can file a complaint with local labor authorities or courts, which may investigate the legitimacy and functioning of the committee.

Combining these strategies could give workers more control over their situation and help ensure that their concerns are addressed in a fair and representative manner.

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