Islam religion Allah bless nabi article full explain


Islam is one of the world's major monotheistic religions and its followers are called Muslims. At the heart of Islam is the belief in one God, called Allah in Arabic. God is considered the creator, sustainer, and supreme judge of the universe. Muslims believe that God is omnipotent, all-knowing, and merciful, and that he communicated his will to humanity through a series of prophets, the last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who is called the Prophet or Messenger of God. The Concept of God

In Islam, God is not only the personal God of Muslims, but also the God of all creation. God is beyond human understanding, has no physical form, and has no spouse, children, or equal. The concept of Tawhid, the oneness of God, is fundamental to the Islamic faith. This belief in Tawhid shapes the daily lives and worship practices of Muslims, who are required to obey the will of God in every aspect of their lives. Muslims believe that everything that exists reflects God's will and that every living thing is part of His creation. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, describes God as the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and highlights His compassion for humanity. The Prophet in Islam

Islam teaches that God sent many prophets (known as prophets) to guide humanity throughout history. Among these prophets were figures such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all), but the last prophet in the line is Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad was sent to all of humanity to deliver God's final message. The purpose of these prophets was to call people to worship God alone, live righteous lives, and follow the laws and guidance given by God. Muslims must believe in all prophets and respect their teachings.

Prophet Muhammad (Prophet)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) holds a special place in Islam as the Seal of the Prophets, also known as the Seal of the Prophets. He was born in Mecca in 570 AD. Muslims believe that he received revelations from God over

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